Elements of a CourseGrid.

What and Where.

Complex is built from simple.

The starting block can be a single action.

We can add the location to this action - which river section for the canoe? What campsite are you staying at?

CourseGrids has mapping tools to visually show the geography and routes used in your outline.

Who is who.

People are the ‘who’ of a CourseGrid. Participants, staff, contractors, drivers, volunteers - all need to be considered and grouped together in the right pattern.


Timing and logistics need dates and times. We also need the capability to copy and duplicate outlines at will - sometimes a single booking will have 3 possible outlines, and undergo multiple alternatives, over the planning phase.

Building layers.

Actions build up into entire days, across different people.


A full outline brings together many separate strands of detail.

  • Who - the people, roles and responsibilities

  • When - dates and times

  • What - activities, meals, transport, logistics

  • Where - locations, routes, geographic-aware information

This information can then be viewable in multiple different visual layouts - shown on a map, or reported as a list, or exported to a different system.

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The CourseGrids project is happening now.

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